Rosalind Bubb
Therapist - EFT & TAT
helping you to be happy, effective & well
- Hello, I'm Rosalind Bubb and I'm a therapist.I’ve helped hundreds of people to feel better since 2004 and I want to share the tools I’ve used, to help you feel better.
Would you like help and support with any of the following?
1. Physical symptoms
2. Unpleasant events, traumas & bereavements
3. Anxiety, stress, fears & phobias
4. Peak performance & business
- 1. Physical Symptoms
Perhaps you have unresolved physical symptoms, which the medical system hasn't able to help you with.
I can help you to feel comfortable and well, naturally, with simple self-help tools which you can use on yourself.
“I really cannot thank you enough, Rosalind. I feel so much better. I have got my life back, and there are no words to describe how that feels. You are an amazing therapist and I loved the session. I wanted to say a huge thank you.”
– Chrissie Hawkes, Cambridge
“Rosalind has helped me to ease both physical pain and emotional blocks and I could not recommend her highly enough. She is an exceptionally gifted EFT practitioner who combines a wonderfully warm and caring approach with professional excellence.”
– Helen Brown, Bedfordshire
“I've seen excellent results in terms of lowered blood pressure, improved health and heightened motivation. It’s great to have someone with her experience and skills to help you.”
– Judith Fogarty, Essex
2. Unpleasant events, traumas & bereavements
I can help you...
- with support and tools, to be able to cope with unpleasant events, traumas and bereavements
- to be able to deal with whatever life throws at you, easily and without having to resort to medication
- to put it all behind you, and feel happy, peaceful and confident.
“Rosalind has helped with me so many things, the most profound being putting PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) gently, appropriately, compassionately and firmly in the past. I feel more peaceful and relaxed, less 'fragmented.' The emotional freedom is priceless and liberating.”
– Jackie Pendray, Peterborough
“I am especially grateful to Rosalind for helping me through a particularly unpleasant time. Her empathy, support and healing skills helped me to face the situation, so that I felt strong enough.”
– Marisa J, Cambridge
“I can't believe that in just two sessions I am completely able to lead a normal life again. EFT has given me closure on some traumatic events in my childhood, for which I am so grateful. I just wish I had done it sooner!”
– M J, Essex
- 3. Anxiety, stress, fears & phobias
I can support you...
- to be able to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, effectively and without medication, whenever you need to
- to resolve fears and phobias gently and kindly, so that they no longer hold you back and stop you from enjoying life
- and teach you simple self-help tools which you can use on yourself to make yourself feel better, independently, any time you want
"Rosalind has empowered me to deal with my anxieties, past and future. I now have something which I can use on myself at any time which calms, focuses and lifts me.
She has changed my life and I cannot recommend her highly enough. All I can say is try it and you won't look back."
- Sarah, St Ives
“Thank you so much for yesterday's session. I arrived feeling anxious and panicky and left feeling relaxed and calm, and I had a wonderful night's sleep.”
– Suzie Rice, Cambridgeshire
“I don't know where I would be without the "tapping." It certainly helps a lot when I get too stressed or emotional. It seems to bring me back to a central balanced point.”
– Julie, Norfolk
- 4. Peak Performance & Business
I can help you...
- to remove any negative or disempowering thoughts and beliefs, which are holding you back
- to change the way you think, feel or focus
- when you're juggling many elements in your life (family, career) and support you in taking proper care of yourself
“What can I say? You're amazing. You're so much fun and yet so insightful. I feel wonderful and it's really helped me to improve my performance. Many many thanks.”
– Alan Brighton, Peterborough
“Rosalind showed a remarkable degree of empathy and a finely-tuned instinct. It was a comforting and energising experience and I was amazed at the depth of new insight and clarity that emerged from the process”
– Caroline, Essex
“Thank you so much for helping me prepare for my Viva – I've passed! I did a lot of "tapping" in the days leading up to it and on the day its-self and I know that this really helped, particularly with encouraging me to relax.”
– L F, Cambridge
“The significant improvement in my effectiveness, focus, concentration and productivity are directly attributable to the work I've been doing with Rosalind.”
– J Perkins, Cambridgeshire
A session with me involves:
1Receiving support and effective, practical help
2Being guided through the process
3Learning simple and powerful self-help tools
which you can use on yourself to improve the way you feel in many different situations in your life
Therapy Sessions
You can work with me from wherever you are in the world. I offer therapy sessions using the phone, Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp and Skype.
Would you like a chance to talk informally, about whether this is right for you?
I offer a free 20 minute no-obligation conversation, which will allow us to have an informal chat (using the phone, Zoom, Face Time, WhatsApp or Skype) during which you can ask any questions you might have, and find out whether I can help you to make the changes you would like.
To arrange your free 20 minute session:
© Rosalind Bubb - Therapist, EFT & TAT, 2024. All rights reserved.